3 reasons why your company can benefit from yoga

To reduce stress

Stress is at the top of the list. It is known for causing illness and abstenteeism in the workplace. It can lead to depression and burn out. Stress takes energy away, leaving employees depleted, offering low productivity, low motivation and negativity.

Absenteeism is costing UK companies an average of £554 per employee, costing the economy £100 billion

Yoga gives energy. It restores the body by shifting tension. It calms the mind as it teaches us to come from the sympathetic,(fight or flight) to the parasympathetic (rest & digest) nervous system.

A major part of yoga is breathing techniques and awareness of breath – again this soothes our mind and body to enable our sytem to come to a more balanced state.

To increase innovative thinking and creativity

Cluttered minds don't deliver solutions to problems. Clear minds do. Apparently Steve jobs envisioned the i-phone whilst meditating. When minds are clear, they open to creative thinking as stress tension isn't blocking the flow. Yoga asks us to place the body in some unusual postions, in doing we are encouraged to explore how to make the postures more comfortable and sustainable. This stimulates the explorative and creative side of our minds.

To enhance contentment & build a stronger team

Happy people create a happy environment which is infectious and can influence even the most pesimistic personality. Being content reveals our best self, compassion, empathy, patience and kindness, which are all too easily overlooked in a world of instant grattification.

Common corporate values like integrity, teamwork and respect should be the framework of corporate culture. If people aren't happy, it's difficult to achieve this and problems and negative attitudes prevail. 

Yoga reminds us where the now is by putting us in our bodies and feeling what's real and what our boundaries are in the physical realm. Studies have shown that the brain's gamma-aminobutyric (GABA) levels spike after just a single hour of yoga. Higher GABA levels are associated with lower levels of depression and anxiety, changing our brain chemistry and elevating mood.

In summary

Employer benefits:

  • Less sick days

  • Lower levels of stress, anxiety and depression

  • A stronger, more connected team

  • A buoyant company environment for all

  • Higher levels of creativity and productivity

  • Happy contented staff

  • Financial benefit of improved wellness (stress related absence costs the U.K economy £4billion*)

Employee benefits:

  • Better posture, less ill health - hips, spine

  • Improved mental clarity, better decision making, enhanced creativity

  • Calmer nervous system, less reactive, more responsive

  • Improved relationships and rapport with colleagues and clients

  • More energy, less headaches, improved digestion

  • Higher levels of happiness and contentment

Each session is designed to suit the needs of the team and company landscape, whether it’s rest and relaxation or deep release of stress held in the body. Breathing techniques, mindfulness and meditation are also incorporated.

Please get in touch for more information or to arrange a meeting. Go to ‘Contact’