The Mighty Menopause


The menopaue can be a tricky phase of life for a woman as it means letting go of who she was and embracing who she is going forward in time – a sense of re-invention.

There are 35 symptoms for menopause ! Wow – that's epic - what's not to talk about. The journey each woman experiences is totally unique to them. Some glide through quite effortlessly, whils others seem overwhelmed by a cocktail of miseries: weight gain, hot flushes, mood swings, low libido, depression, anxiety, hair loss, dry vagina, brain fog and more. 

The definition of menopause is when a woman stops mensturating for 12 months in succession. The phase before this where periods become irregular, shortened and can be heavy is peri-menopause. Most symptoms revel themselves here.

So the days of “just get on with it” are behind us hopefully and there's a lot more info, awareness and support offered. Yes we should get it out in the open and talk.

I've started offering regualr yoga for menopause classes and workshops in an effort to support women.There are distinct postures that can bring more balance into the body and mind which massage, stretch and stimulate the endocrine system. There are breathing techniques which can help calm the nervous system and there are resting,restorative postures to encourage us to slow down, rest and be in our body in a more relaxed state.

Diet, exercise and lifestyle choices are also key elements to help with many of the symptoms. For example, weight lifting can help with building bone density as once oestrogen drops significantly, we loose bone density. Cutting back on stimulants such as caffeine and alcohol can soothe the nervous system and help reduce anxiety. A diet rich in vegetables, quality protein and wholefoods like brown rice provide a good basic foundation for health. Some omit dairy. It's worth researching what's best for your body type.

Over the years having a regualr yoga practice has most definitely helped me reduce the levels of stress hormones in my body/mind. A vital tool is knowing how to come from the sympathetic nervous system into the parasympathetic nervous system – a simple standing forward bend can do this or 2-3 mins of breathing – try lengthening your exhale, working towards doubling the length of exhale.

Poor quality of sleep is a common complaint so worth mentioning. Simple habits of practising a yoga nidra before bedtime is useful – so many apps availabel. I use Insight Times where there's plenty of free meditations and nidra's. Calming teas, cold showers, dark bedroom, no computer or screen time 2 hours before sleeping can all help.

Even with my yoga, diet, meditation and pranayama, I'm also challenged with hot flushes, low mood and fatigue. However I'm choosing to take charge of what's happening and see it as an opportunity to grow into an older woman who accepts this natural phase of life. All of life has it's ups and downs and it's our attitiude towards this that is key – TRY TO BE NEUTRAL RATHER THAN OVER REACTIVE AS SO MUCH ENERGY IS LOST WITH REACTION. REMEMBER TO BE KIND, LOVING AND COMPASSIONATE TO YOURSELF. WOMEN ARE VERY GOOD AT LOOKING AFTER OTHERS AS NURTURERS – IT'S TIME TO PUT YOURSLEF FIRST !