Love Your Legs

Relax and let the tension drain away....

Relax and let the tension drain away....

We stand, we walk, we run, we climb. we dance !

So let's take a moment to be grateful for our legs, hips and pelvis for their wonderfull functioning and support in allowing us such mobility and range of activity.

Here's a therapeutic posture to help keep your legs nourished, healthy and is superbly relaxing – LEGS UP THE WALL.

It's so simple to do....

Find a wall space, sit sideways against the wall then extend both legs up the wall. You need to have both sit bones gently pressing onto the skirting / wall. Check that your spine is as long and straight as possible and tuck the chin to lengthen the neck. You can use a slim cushion under the head for comfort and if you have a bolster, place it across you belly. An eye mask to shiled any light from the eyes can be a lovely addition to deepen your relaxation. Stay for a minimum of 15 mins.

The benefits ?

  • Reduces edema in the legs & feet 

By reversing the effects of gravity, you can shift any stuck or stagnant fluids – useful if you have low blood pressure or spend a lot of time on your feet.

  • Relieves tired legs

Resting the legs upside down not only gives the muscles a rest but helps drain the tension from legs, feet and hips

  • It's an effortless inversion !

Legs up the wall give all the benefits inversions offer with very little effort so if you're tired or have little energy, it's perfect.

  • It's great for the nervous system

By combining conscious breathing with a longer hold, you access into your parasympathetic nervous system – 'rest & digest' which allows the body to do just that. You give your system a break from being active, busy and stimulated allowing the body to perform healing and repair

  • It's great for the mind

Being still and quiet provides an environment for the mind to relax, slow down and let go of busyness. Full concentration on the breath encourages a more meditative state of being. As the body relaxes as does the mind. As the legs are agaisnt a wall, this provided a psychological sense of safety and support.

A regular practice of this is also recommended for those with insomnia and lower back pain.

Go find a wall !